
Archive for January, 2008

It’s ironic to read that a U.S. spy satellite, US 193, that has been bobbing around in an uncontrolled fashion in outer space for just over a year after it’s initial launch failed is now making it’s way into Earth’s atmosphere and is expected to most likely hit somewhere within the United States itself by the end of February, beginning of March, 2008.

The 13-16.5 foot, 20,000 lb. ball of toxic fuel, described as being only the size of a small bus, is expected to create a small crater and hopes are that it will break up and burn during its 30 minute passage through the atmosphere. There has been some talk of shooting it down with a missile or two but some government officials feel that it is too soon to speculate such discussions.


Let’s not forget that in September 2007 the U.S. shot down one of it’s own spy satellites (though it never fessed up to the incident) and the thing (they were calling it a meteorite but anyone smarter than dead plant life knows what it really was…) landed in Peru. The U.S. spy satellite (probably about the size of a small bus) created a 30 foot crater and sickened more than 200 residents in the area because of the toxic fumes and chemicals spewing from the crater and satellite remains.

Once the satellite hits a certain part of the atmosphere it will land lickety-split – supposedly when it gets to 59 miles above the Earth’s surface it will meet Terra Firma within 30 minutes. As stated earlier, hopes are – it burns up. Expectations are – it probably won’t.

Can the U.S. government be expected to do anything to stop this? Answer: Come on! They are probably aiming it at a high populace area! Maybe even at an area where a 30 foot crater would be considered an improvement! 🙂

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Can you hear this? It’s not just heard in Taos, New Mexico – it’s heard in other parts of the world too. And it’s making a lot of people sick just listening to it.

What’s your guess on what it is?

Mine is: underground nuclear drilling units tunneling out the D.U.M.B.’s. These operate at depths of about six miles below the surface so the rumbling noise heard makes sense to me.

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mural03t.jpgHere are a couple of the murals (there are fifteen) that are part of a very odd mural pictorial at the Denver airport. Maybe you’ve seen these in person?

The individual pieces are really grotesque and I can’t imagine why anyone would have these in a public place UNLESS there is some deeper meaning behind them. What do you think?

This site offers another insight into the murals with more pictures and another viewpoint.

Here’s another site where you can view largermural01t.jpg photos of the murals.

This site provides an in-depth interpretation of the murals and their symbolism (Masonic) and how they apply to the New World Order.

Another site looking into the murals along with letters sent to the Denver Airport.

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lakotah-terr.jpgWhat’s happening with the Lakotah people since they announced their withdrawal from the United States just prior to the holidays 2007? I’m actually concerned about their well-being especially since there has been no mainstream media news on their announcement and no acknowledgment from the U.S.G.

For those ‘not in the know’, their announcement is big news since they plan on reclaiming territory that is part of a five state area of the United States (see above map). They have also pulled out of all their treaties with the U.S.G. citing “continuing violations.”

I believe that it is important that the American people are aware of the Lakotah’s actions so that they don’t come to harm because of their actions, which are peaceful. The Lakotah have no desire to cause ‘war’ but are attempting to work through peaceful means in reclaiming the territories taken from them and gaining back the dignities stripped from them as indigenous people of this country. I think they speak for all indigenous people of this country in so many ways…

So I, for one, will be watching the peaceful Lakotah people as they take on the aggressor U.S.G. in this situation. Will David win out over Goliath?

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More videos from John Lenard Walson who has been getting harassed ever since he started publishing his astounding pictures and videos. If he is getting harassed then there must be something that people don’t want other people to know, don’t you think? If these things didn’t have much significance or weren’t a ‘big deal’ then why is John Lenard Walson getting helicopters over his house and people following him? You can only surmise that John Lenard Walson is on to something and it looks to be something important

So as you view the following videos you have to wonder – what is John Lenard Walson capturing out there in our Earthly atmosphere?

Whatever these things are they look pretty big and they certainly come in different shapes and configurations. Should we be dazzled or repelled?

By the way, in order to get the full effect of the images it is suggested that you view these videos in full screen.

Don’t know if you caught the part where the smaller ‘craft’ maneuvered and settled down on the larger one in the previous video but here is a video showing just that portion:

More videos and another with a moon shot that I can’t find anything in (if anyone sees anything let me know):

Could these be interpreted as angels? Are they good or bad ones? And if they are angels, what does this signify for us??

Maybe these are merely man-made but pretty spectacular satellites… If they are man-made, who made them?? And how did they get them ‘up there’?

Or are these truly alien in nature? And if so, why are they hovering around in our atmosphere and what are they waiting for…??

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In this clip, Rudy Giuliani the long shot presidential candidate who enjoys dressing up as a woman states that a Real ID should be required to go online to access the Internet. While it is possible that it was a slip of the tongue by Rudy any support of the Real ID and a National ID card is ridiculous. This is not Nazi Germany. (And what about this idiot’s marital history!? This is what people would want as an example leading our country? Hasn’t enough been learned from Bush?)


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Now the military must think people are really, really stupid. I read a few days ago the report that the USAF said that they were now disclosing that they had been flying night maneuvers with a couple of F-16’s when folks in Stephensville, TX saw the 1 mile long, 1/2 mile wide craft above their town. The USAF ‘claims’, weeks later, that the 1 mile long, 1/2 mile wide craft craft was a couple of F-16’s on night maneuvers. Uh-huh…

Well, as many know Stephensville, TX wasn’t the only town or area to have seen the large craft nor was it the only town or area to have reported strange craft or unusual happenings in its skies that night or succeeding nights. ‘Things’ were seen from San Antonio to Dallas/Ft. Worth to San Diego, CA. Will the USAF be stepping up weeks later saying that all of these incidents are USAF-related and that all and any citizens claiming to see UFO’s are delusional? At any rate, looks like 2008 is going to be an interesting year…

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Reenactment from the Late Late Show hosted by Craig Ferguson:

The original video was pulled but available on the Defamer website here.

IMHO Tom Cruise is one weird dude and a bad actor to boot.

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The CIA claims that hackers have been cutting power off in foreign cities – no places or cities cited, no examples given, no sources to back up their claims. They further claim that they don’t know who is doing it or why – this from a group who further claim to have one of the greatest spying and intelligence networks in the world. This is another great example of the ‘war on terror’ junk and stirring up the fear factor in people.

Now we are talking the same group of people, lumping all these organizations together (DHS, CIA, FBI, and the whole USG), who want us to submit our DNA and personal information to them and then ‘trust them’ with it as they maintain that information in some unwieldy database containing millions, and perhaps, billions of people when they have demonstrated that they cannot even maintain simple Internet websites with proper security protocol – this is ludicrous and insane. To say our government officials are out of control is putting it mildly – I think they are delusional.

With this ‘announcement’ we are to take at face value the expectation that some groups (illusionary terrorists) are working through the Internet to target unsuspecting U.S. cities in order to shut down their power grids. My bet is that the ‘terrorists’ are living on U.S. soil and receiving U.S. paychecks and not some ‘terrorist’ hiding in a cave somewhere with a sophisticated laptop and satellite connection to all the power grids of the U.S. If power is cut to U.S. cities by people it will be done by U.S. citizens or U.S. allies.

Power disruptions could also happen because of the approach of Planet X (or Nibiru) which is supposedly already causing power disruptions in northern hemisphere cities. This is a little reported item for many reasons which I won’t go into here but reading up on it will provide clues. Of course it is still debated as to whether Planet X, as it is termed, is ‘real’ or not but it was considered very real when first reported in1983 in the Washington Post. You’ll have to decide yourself… However, it makes sense to me that this is a cover story for disruptions being caused by this brown dwarf star.


Closer to home, the ‘war on terror’ mantra and the New World Order agenda are bringing terror and fear to you on a daily basis and it looks to be perpetuated by U.S. government officials and their allies. It will not get any better and we can certainly anticipate worse. Remember our government is afraid of us so that is why they terrorize us.

John F. Kennedy said it well:

For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

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Barry Lando


Much of the reporting of President Bush’s trip to the Middle East is shadow play, an incredible con game. The suckers are the American public.

Today’s headline, for instance, has Bush telling Saudi King Abdullah that the high price of oil is hurting the U.S. economy. This, the White House press people, reporters and editors apparently all agree, is front page material. But who are they kidding?

The Saudi leaders and their good, old family friend, George Bush have known for ages about the havoc that rocketing oil prices are wreaking on the U.S. economy.  All along, in fact, the Bush administration has been cautiously attempting to convince the Saudis, OPEC’s largest producer, to keep prices down. To no avail.

Back in April 2005, for instance, in Crawford Texas, when Bush last met King Abdullah face to face before he took over the Saudi throne, the subject of high oil prices came up. Oil then was selling for $54 a barrel. It’s now $94.

What new leverage does George W. Bush suddenly have?

Instead, he comes bearing gifts. To thank the Saudis for supporting the latest, feeble U.S. peace efforts in the Middle East, Bush is promising them 20 billion dollars in sophisticated weapons—including 121 million dollars worth of precision guided bombs.

But to defend the Saudis against whom? Iran? Does anyone really think the mullahs in Tehran are going to dispatch their forces to attack the Saudis? Or are the Saudis supposed to use those arms against Iraq’s shattered forces?  Or is it just a great way for the Saudis to recycle some of their petroleum wealth back to U.S. industry?

Which brings us to another irony of the current Bush trip. A few days ago in Abu Dhabi, trying to whip up support for U.S. policy, he gave a speech condemning Iran and extolling the virtues of democracy from the cavernous marble auditorium of a 3 billion dollar gold plated hotel.

A strange choice of venue: the rulers of Abu Dhabi and Dubai and the rest of the emirates give short shrift to democracy themselves.

They still run their lands as tribal domains, hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into the coffers of a few thousand incredibly wealthy individuals. One after another, their new, high walled, sprawling mansions line the broad residential avenues in Abu Dhabi.

The tribal sheiks maintain their hold over the 4 million residents of the Emirates by distributing enough of their vast wealth to the small proportion—only 17%- of their population, who are actually citizens, to keep them fat and happy, and unconcerned about such issues as freedom of the press. There are estimates, for instance, that the average citizen of Abu Dhabi is a millionaire.

Their rulers, on the other hand, are not dumb. Many have been educated in top U.S. and European universities.

Ironically, while George W. Bush has consistently avoided the tough policy decisions that would be necessary to wean American from its dependence on petroleum, the oil producing states, who face the problem themselves, have been no where as passive.

The rulers of Dubai for instance, realizing that their oil deposits are rapidly running out, have launched a massive investment program to transform the Emirate into one of the worlds major destinations for international business and tourism.

They’ve also spent billions to launch their own airline and what will soon be the largest airport in the world. Their neighbors in Abu Dhabi though they have much greater petroleum deposits, are following suit.

At this moment, more than 2.3 trillion dollars is being spent on the construction of new apartment complexes, skyscrapers, high speed monorails and highways in just Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

To carry out this vast enterprise they’ve enlisted tens of thousands of expats, professionals from around the world who have flocked to the Gulf to manage and profit from the spectacular economic boom.

The expats enjoy salaries, spacious homes with servants and maids and drivers and schools. But no real hope of ever becoming citizens of the countries they are transforming. After a few years, they’re out.

They in turn oversee an underclass of millions of temporary migrants primarily from India, Pakistan Sri Lanka and the Philippines, the ones actually building the startling new skyline that so awed George W. Bush. These foreign workers, admitted without their wives, make two or three hundred dollars a month, and send much of it back home.

You don’t see them in the sprawling new shopping malls, the surrealistic hotel lobbies, indoor ski domes, or wide boulevards. They live apart in distant military-style barracks, transported back and forth to work in large busses.  Their visas are tied directly to their employers, which means, if the construction workers or maids or drivers become too uppity, complain about salaries or living conditions, unpaid wages, or being raped or brutalized by their employers, they’re expelled. In any case, they’re out after a couple of years.

As even the U.S. State Department pointed out, abuses are legion:
“trafficking in women and children; legal and societal discrimination against women and non citizens; corruption and lack of government transparency; common abuse of foreign domestic servants; and severe restrictions on and abuses of workers’ rights.”

One would think that the ability of the Emirate’s rulers (and the Saudi princes) to continue milking the region, as their fortunes swell from the hundreds of billions to the trillions, would have to be limited. After all, they are just a few thousand immensely rich living in a vast swathe across the Middle East and Central Asia now ravaged by poverty and political turbulence.

Indeed, that same political chaos has proved a gold mine for the Emirates. Wealthy Lebanese, for instance, have fled their own once prosperous now shattered land to invest in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The same is true for Iraqis, Egyptians, Pakistanis and Afghans—and even Saudis, leery of future stability in their own country.

The U.S. threat to freeze suspicious accounts from Middle East states has also convinced many wealthy Arabs they are safer investing at least a part of their fortunes much closer to home in the Emirates.

But still the question remains: how much longer before the whole surreal economic edifice in the Gulf comes tumbling down?

That’s, of course, the fear that George W. Bush aims to exploit to fortify an alliance against Iran, just as Saddam Hussein did with the same sheiks when he sought their support against Iran in the 1980’s. (Remember, from the very beginning, Khomeini railed against the corrupt, feudal rulers of the Gulf, threatening to expand the Shiite revolution across the Gulf. At that time, of course, the U.S. enlisted Saddam to head the anti-Khomeini coalition.)

But though, on one level, the sheiks may fear their Iranian neighbor, they know that Iranian leaders also have a major financial stake in the Emirates’ well-being. Iranian government leaders and businessmen —-often one and the same—are investing huge sums of money in the Emirates.

While U.S. authorities do their best to banish Iranians from the international banking system, in fact Iranians don’t have to put their money into accounts in the Emirates. They put their billions to work buying and selling the huge apartments , condominiums and office buildings sprouting like mushrooms all along the Gulf coast and making enormous profits in the process.

Al Qaeda, it is whispered, also speculates in the booming real estate market.

But rather than being upset about such involvement, the Emirate sheiks are supposedly delighted.  As an American ex pat banker told me, “It’s the best insurance the sheiks have got,”

At the same time, it’s also said that Islamic militants receive huge “protection” payments from the Emirate Sheiks.

Otherwise, how explain the fact that though the sumptuous modern hotels and malls, nightclubs and bikini-clad beach resorts would, in theory, be ideal targets for Islamic terrorists, there’s been not a single attack.

The West should be as lucky.

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